Monday, March 9, 2015

ACT 81, A Producer's Source of Energy

I demonstrated this lab today (3.4.15)  because we didn't have enough plants for student groups to follow the procedure.

We filled in parts of the Tables on sheet 81.1, following Procedure #1.
Then, we did Procedures #2 & 3.  A photo of this is found here.  The cup on the left is BTB and water.  The cup on the right is BTB and water after a student blew into it with a straw.:
ACT 81, Procedure Part A, #3 & 4

Here is a photo of the Elodea plant in a capped vial with more BTB solution in the cup next to it.  This is part of Procedure #4:
ACT 81, Procedure Part A, #4

This last photo shows the two vials of steps #4 & 5, Procedure Part A.  After Aiden took this photo, we put both vials in the SE window of the lab:
ACT 81, Procedure Part A, #4 & 5

We discussed step 6 in table groups and wrote down our predictions afterwards.

We did not observe any change as results on the following day, 3.5.15,  (step # 7)
I will update this post when we have observed results.

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