ASSIGNED FRI, SEPT 19: from Activity 2, The Pellagra Story, Analysis Q 2a & 2b found on page A-9 of the text. I led the class through this activity. I collected the work this past week. It was to be written on a sheet titled "Writing Frame - Recognizing Evidence" It is being scored with the Recognizing Evidence Scoring Guide. Each student has a copy of this scoring guide. It should be in students' binders, in the science section, held in place by the rings. Some students' work has been scored and handed back. I have encouraged those who earned 2/ developing or 3/ proficient to edit their work and return it to me for a "regrade" to try for proficient. This is in keeping with my use of formative assessment.
ASSIGNED FRI, SEPT 26: from Activity 3, Testing Medicines: A Clinical Trial, Analysis Q 4 found on page A-14 of the text. Students are to write their answers on a page of their notebooks. Due Mon., Sept. 29. (Note: A few students have turned in their notebooks for the weekend for scoring The Pellagra Story work. Those students, together with students who didn't bring their notebooks to class, will write their work on notebook/ filler paper, which will later be taped/ glued into their notebooks.)
The Learning Targets for this work:
I can analyze clinical trial data. Based on the data, I can decide:
- if the medicine works
- if the medicine is safe
Mr. Leo will be my substitute that day and will stamp this work with a rubber stamp, showing it has been turned in on time. On time work is expected as part of the effort comment on the report card.
I will score the work upon my return using the Understanding Scientific Concepts Scoring Guide. This scoring guide is one of several that were given to students on Fri., Sept. 26, in a packet that was stapled and hole punched. I led students through directions to put the scoring guides in the rings of their binders in the science section of their binders. We reviewed the scoring guide requirements of a 3/ proficient for this work.
This is the first assignment in which students were expected to work independently. I led the class through a discussion of pooled/ all class data that is evidence to support the concepts found in the question. Students copied this data onto the back of a hole-punched sheet that is titled, "Analysis of Clinical Trial." I hope all families have a great weekend. I am enjoying the rain!