Thursday, December 18, 2014

ACT. 44, WHO'S WHO? in class 12.16 & 12.17.14

Use the links below to find the Micro-Life Cards & Dichotomous Key listed in the materials.  The second sheet of the links includes the Classification Cards that are part of step 8 of the Procedure.  Step 8 discusses 6 Classification Cards.  I have simplified your work by including only 3 cards.  Each Micro-Life Card organism belongs in one of the three groups - Virus, Bacteria, or Protist.

I suggest you group the cards into three groups, then based on the Dichotomous Key, decide on the names of the groups.  Finally,  "key out" the names of the organisms using the Key.

You should have 2 work products in your notebook at the end of this Activity:

  1. a chart/ table of three columns, one for each group - Virus, Bacteria, Protist.  In each column there will be a list of the organisms that belong to the group.
  2. A list of common features of each group, as discussed in Procedure step 9.
First set of Micro-Life Cards:

Second set of Micro-Life Cards + classification "cards":
2nd set Micro-Life cards + classification cards

Dichotomous Key:
Dichotomous Key

ACT. 51, THE FULL COURSE (about antibiotics)

We are working on this ACT. in class Dec. 18 & 19.  When you read the materials list, you will notice that you need a number cube to complete the Activity.  We are using dice instead.  If you are making up this work due to an excused absence, please see me about the dice.

We are using cutout pieces of construction paper for the colored disks.  Again, they cannot leave the room while the classes are working with them.  See me about the colored disks.

Here are links to the "worksheet" materials needed for this Activity.  The Activity will be more fun if you have a partner working with you.

1.5.15: I have given a "kit" of materials to students who attended class today but were gone on 12.19.  I gave them to students who raised their hands when I announced there was a "kit" for those who were absent.

ASSIGNMENT, Analysis Q 1, 4, 6 & data table & graph (taped into notebook as a flap) DUE Jan 6.

3-square, ACT 51, The Full Course

Anticipation Guide for ACT 51, The Full Course

Population Data Table
Population Data Table

Bacteria Graph, again.  I hope this is a shareable link.

Monday, December 15, 2014

ACT. 42 +, assigned today, due Tue., Dec. 16

Worksheet: Inside a Cell
ACT. 42, Q 1,2,4

Human body system Q:  Using a human body system that is NOT the digestive system, make a drawing like the one at the bottom of pg. C-59.  You may use the Body Systems unit to help you with this question.
Inside a cell W.S.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

ACTIVITY 48, Wash your hands please

We did this Activity in class on Mon., 12.8.  Due to the limits on materials, the lab cannot be made up.  The assignment is Analysis Q 1, 2, 4.  It is due Thu., 12.11.  For those who were absent with an excused absence, the assignment is Q 4.


Activity was done in class Fri, 12.4.  Assignment is Analysis Q 2a, c, d.  It is due Fri., 12.12.  Links below to 2 videos that may help in your understanding of the Activity.  Also, try rereading the text introduction.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ACT. 40 Procedure photos, links to cell membrane info.

The teacher demonstration of this Activity, ACT 40, was done in lab on Tue., 12.9.  Assignment is Analysis Q 1-4, due today, Thur., 12.11.
Here is a link to the photos of the Procedure for Activity 40, A Cell Model:

Here is a link that will help you understand the PURPOSE of the cell membrane.  There are a lot of ads on the page.  Some of the ads are sandwiched in between the paragraphs of the description.  Keep reading to the bottom of the page: